In preparation for a new eBay marketing push, DRS have requested a new template to showcase their eBay auctions and assistance in online product marketing.
When DRS wanted to increase their online sales, they couldn’t go past Eightball Media’s sound demonstration of knowledge of the eBay marketplace and online stores. The new DRS eBay template by Eightball Media will provide a vivid presentation of products on eBay, the world’s largest online auction website.
Eightball’s experience in online auctioning and marketing will be used to create a logical template that facilitates convenience for the buyer and seller while increasing the success of auctions.
Through tried and tested methods Eightball Media has the ability to increase sales figures and bring wider exposure to products on eBay. Eightball will also be providing assistance and advice to DRS in relation to eBay and other avenues of online marketing.