AU Shop
Logo Development
Website Concept Design
AU Shop was a new online retailer selling Australian Made products to overseas market, focusing on the China market specifically. They approached Eightball to develop a logo as well as the concept design for the web pages.
We researched into Chinese based websites for ideas of branding and also the functionality of the website. There were some interesting findings where some functionalities we would deem as “annoying” and impractical in the Australian market is quite the opposite in the Chinese market. Where commonly our websites were designed to be as simple and clean looking possible, a lot of their online stores were packed full of information and options.
Although we were not in charge of the development of the website it was crucial that we understood the user interaction of the overseas market as it differs from the Australian market. We have a few in-house Chinese speaking team members who were to our advantage as they were familiar with the habits and interactions of the overseas market and they were able to read/translate the wording.
We designed the logo and concept designs both in Chinese and English to ensure that the visuals look right. We went through many variations of the logo as it needed to be able to display both English & Chinese characters. Initially the client wanted to use the Australian Made kangaroo, but in the end opted for a word mark logo instead.
We also worked alongside another development company to make sure that the layout and functionalities were done as per design.
Overall, it was an exciting project and quite a challenging task to design for a different market. If you need a bi-lingual website designed or developed contact us and see what we can do to assist you.
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