Move Ahead. Get Mobile’d. Be where your customer is.
With the ever increasing popularity of smart phones and tablets, it’s only natural for individuals to access the World Wide Web via their handheld devices. Businesses that ignore the need for a mobile version of their website are missing out on a market that is growing extremely quickly.
The number of people using their smart phones to access their favourite websites while they are at home or “on the go” is growing very, very rapidly.
Why Not Having a Mobile Website is a Problem
When people are accessing websites through their handheld device, they’re not using fast ADSL connection and they may have to pay extra for their data usage. So if your website uses a lot of data, it will take a very long time for people to access your website. More likely though, users will lose interest in waiting for it to load and what that can mean for you is a potential customer – gone!
I already have a website. Won’t that load on phones?
Yes. However, your website may have a lot of unnecessary data loaded onto it such as animated images, scrolling banner photos, links to other websites etc.
Do I need to replace my Existing Website?
No. You can still keep your existing website to load on laptops and desktop computers. A mobile website is simply a different version of your website that will load automatically when it detects it is being opened by a mobile device.
Mobile Websites – The Smart Solution
A successful mobile website will focus on loading the essentials of your website quickly in a way that is easy to view. Determine which pages are most important on your website. To do that you need to understand what visitors to your site want to see. The most common reasons people would want to access your website while they are “on the go” is to look for your contact details, business location and opening hours. Next in line might be product information, prices, upcoming events or latest news. So you’ll want to streamline the navigations to cover these important aspects and keep it as simple as possible for easy loading and viewing. That doesn’t mean that your mobile website has to be boring. It just means a simpler design is important.
Let’s Check out the Numbers
Check out this infographics on the growing importance of mobile website optimization to get the statistics: http://blog.kissmetrics.com/mobile-mania/?wide=1.
Not only are mobile websites convenient for consumers, they have also proven to increase sales, generate more traffic and boost customer engagement. Mobile websites are still in early development stages but now is the time to gain an edge over your competitors rather than playing catch up in 12 months time.
For More Information…
Interested in getting a mobile website? Talk to us today and we’ll get you sorted.