Standing out in front of a crowd has never been a problem for Jacque Biddulph. The effervescent director of Red Shoes Presenting and highly regarded keynote speaker always engages her audience with her bright smile and bubbly vibe. When it comes to standing out online though, Jacque approached Eightball Media to help get more attention for Red Shoes Presenting.
The website is now being optimised so that the range of services available from Red Shoes Presenting are easier to find on search engines. That’s because Jacque is more than just a speaker and business coach. With Red Shoes Presenting Jacque offers a range of fun and interactive presentations, workshops and training. Popular training topics include the Personality Compass Type Instrument (PCTI) for personality profiling and Appreciative Inquiry (AI) training for the purpose of improving strategic planning, team building and change management.
Visit the website to find out more:
Red Shoes Presenting