Whether you earn revenue through product or service based sales, State & Hallmark Holidays are a great opportunity to encourage customers to interact with your brand. In Australia, our first holiday Australia Day comes towards the end of January and is closely followed by Lunar New Year celebrations.
With plenty more holidays on their way in 2017, we’ve put together a calendar of Australian holidays & key dates to help you plan your marketing initiatives for the rest of the year.
For those in retail, you may have a few additional international promo dates such as Black Friday & Cyber Monday. These are by far one of the biggest online shopping days of the year.
In our marketing discussions with clients, we recommend considering seasonal promotions such as Summer, Spring, Winter & Autumn sales. These are used often for fashion retailers, but also apply to service based businesses, such as cleaners (Spring Cleaning!).
So what are you waiting for? Mark your marketing calendars and make this year your most successful year yet.
If you would like help customising a marketing calendar to your business, contact us for a free 30 minute consultation.