Are you unsure how to use Facebook effectively for your business? Here are some tips to get you flying along.
#1 Post Updates Frequently: This does not mean post what you’re having for breakfast, lunch & dinner. Simply post quality comments as regularly as you can. Industry updates Aim for at least twice a week. Most importantly, be sure to reply to comments or posts on your wall regularly.
#2 Take Advantage of Facebook Advertising: You can now interact with current and prospective customers on Facebook and encourage them to visit your page. Couple this with special offers only for your Facebook fans and watch your fan base grow!
#3 Watch Top Brands: If you want to see how it’s done best, take a look at some of the bigger brands and how they have mastered social media. Coke, New York Times and Nike are some good examples.
#4 Use Video: Upload your own videos straight to Facebook or create a YouTube account and host videos from YouTube and share them on your Facebook page. People spend many hours a month on Facebook viewing content such as pictures and videos. Personally, youtube views from have never failed me and have given me a good exposure.
#5 Involve Your Employees: When you have your page up and running make sure you invite your employees as fans and encourage them to start talking about your page online with their friends. The fastest initial growth for your fan base will often come from your employees.
If you need a hand to get things going for your business, Eightball Media can help with Digital Marketing. Don’t miss out on the chance to communicate directly with your customers and potential customers.